News from 4B

It has been a busy Term 2.

Year 4B has been involved in many school activities, including a visit from St John Ambulance where students learnt basic first aid skills.

Students were lucky enough to be joined by Steph from Melbourne Victory. Steph ran a soccer clinic with students until the end of term.

Earlier in the term, students went on an excursion to the Melbourne Museum. At the Museum, students explored the ‘First Peoples Place and Culture,’ ‘Bugs Alive’ and ‘Wild’ exhibitions.

We also went to IMAX to see the film Wild Africa, which took us on a spectacular journey across, over, and through the magical realms of the wildest continent on earth. The film assisted students to develop an understanding of natural vegetation and native animals in Africa, which we were learning about in class. Ayten really enjoyed the film explaining it was very entertaining and taught us different places and environments. Ahmed enjoyed IMAX because he learnt new things, including how animals catch their prey.

In Numeracy, students have demonstrated a great understanding of place value, multiplication and division. We learnt about maps, in particular, understanding how to read maps using a legend and grid reference. Students also revised their knowledge of compass points by mapping out directions around the school. Ziyad enjoyed developing his understanding of multiplication and division through problem solving activities.

Zoya and Ahsan, along with Liban from 4A, have been selected to represent the Ibrahim Dellal Campus in the grade 4 Maths Competition. They are both thrilled to be representing their campus and have been practicing hard.

Students completed wonderful projects about Ramadan in Religion and Values. Their projects have been displayed in the library and the classroom.

Just a reminder to parents/guardians that in order for students to borrow books from the library, they must bring their library bag. Bags can be purchased from the library for $5.00. Please remind students to do so as it is part of their homework.

If you have any questions, please feel free to come in for a chat.

Kind Regards,
Ms Brianna Scaife
Year 4B Classroom Teacher